Sunday, March 14, 2010

Passy Free!

Austin has been passy (pacifier) free for FOUR straight days now! Can I hear a Woo Hoo! I was thinking about it, and we haven't had a 'passy free' house for 5 years now. I hate to say it but I think we pulled Liv's when she turned three (which was way too old) and Austin is going on 2 1/2. I had no idea Austin would be giving his passy up last week - it just happened.
One of my best friends, Jaime brought her new baby over and she asked Austin if he wanted to give his passy to baby Jayden. He walked right over and gave it to her! Then of course we had to get the 2nd passy out of its special spot and he gave that one right over to Jayden. I knew that was the easy part and the hard part would be sleep (and car) with no passy. I told Jaime (without Austin hearing) that she couldn't really leave the house with both passies. What would I do in a crisis! I started feeling like the passy was being pulled from me. Sad - I know. So, Jaime took one home with her and hid the other one in the house. She said Aaron would have to call her to find out where it was hidden.
Well later that afternoon I was dreading Austin's nap time. I just knew it was going to be really bad. We went through some rough nights (and weeks) when we took Liv's passy so I was expecting the worst again. I am talking about screaming, legs kicking, end of the world tantrums with her! Well Austin just went to sleep! No fussing, no crying, nothing! I am really still in shock. Everyone once in a while he will ask for it and I remind him he gave it to baby Jayden. I do feel like such a good mother for it -even though I didn't do anything. He did this all on his own (with a little encouragement). I am so proud of him. If I had known it was going to be this easy we would have done it a long time ago.
Next mission to complete: Potty Train (we are getting there)!

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